Wedding Photos!

Well, we’re five weeks in, and things are going okay! I think we’re going to make it! 😆 People keep asking me if I feel any different, and so far my answer is “not really,” since our day-to-day hasn’t changed at all. But there is definitely a new layer to the relationship, and it’s something I haven’t experienced before. It’s a new frontier, unknown territory — or, as I like to say about any kind of personal growth: “I’m further out than I’ve ever swum before.”

It’s been both a whirlwind and a very slow reentry into normal life the past five weeks. In some ways, we hit the ground running in preparation for the holidays, and in other ways, we put on our pajamas and haven’t taken them off since. HA! We certainly haven’t stopped eating as if we are still on vacation. Oof!

But enough about all that… I’m writing today to share photos, hooray! We got our beautiful photos back from our amazing photographers Trees & Seas (Shawn & Steph), and I’ve already updated our website with some of our faves, but here are even more! 😍

Thank you for letting us gush all about this experience to you over the past few months! We are going to keep the website up as we spend the next year+ planning for a proper wedding reception a.k.a. dance party. You may hear from us on the blog in the meantime!

Happiest holidays!

❤️️ Sarah


Sedona to Nashville and Beyond